
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Painting for High School Literature Classroom

I was recently asked to do a painting for a high school literature teacher in the Columbia area. She asked me to create a visual aid for her classroom that would include symbols from each of the books that her class would study during the school year. I suggested the idea of depicting a city that was made up of different time periods represented in the books, with symbols from each book depicted either literally or as advertisements on city billboards.  The painting includes references to about 10 different books. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

August Sketchbook Sketches of Comics, Movies, and Bible Studies

Destro from GI JOE

Weapon X

Omega Red

A Cool Dude from WaffleHouse


Captain America

Crock Dun Dee

Dr. Mindbender

Bible Study Notes on the end of John chapter 3
