I've been working with a minister from the Atlanta area to create a series of illustrated post cards. The goal for the project was to replace the traditional tract format with something a little less...preachy. These are meant to simply convey topical Bible verses concerning certain subjects. The top one is specifically meant for use in a Bible study for the SandySprings police department . The second is meant for general evangelism purposes and the final is geared towards business people who are stressed about current events, with verses from the Psalms to present comfort to the worried. This has turned out to be a pretty fun project. I'm looking forward to working on more in the future.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Trolls Illustration
So I was looking at some of my high school sketchbooks, realizing how much I was obsessed with trolls when I was younger. I have at least five sketchbooks filled with stories that I created around troll societies and their epic struggles against the antagonistic human and goblin races. I thought it would be fun to revisit the subject matter that fascinated me years ago, but this time with a time-travel edge to it. I was playing around with what trolls would look like in different genres, so I've done some up as pirates, cowboys, sci-fi scumbags, and as a knight in not-so-shiny armor.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Gandalf vs. Obi-Wan Geek Wars Poster
So here's how this works...I'm going to try to make a Geek Wars Poster every two weeks...I'll collect votes on who would win on each poster from Deviant art, my blog, and facebook. After a week I'll tally the votes and make a follow up illustration showing who wins the fight. Just a little game that gives me the excuse to draw some of my favorite pop culture icons.
If you'd like to vote, email me your vote (ethanmongin@gmail.com) or vote on my Deviant art page (http://ehudsbloodysword.deviantart.com/).
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
G. I. Joe Fan Art: Storm Shadow
This guy was always cooler than Snake Eyes....he came back from the dead for goodness sake....so much coooler....
Thursday, February 16, 2012
G. I. Joe Fan Art: Crimson Guard Commander
My all-time favorite-looking Gijoe character....and probably the coolest action figure I ever owned....I wanted to show how awesome he was...so he's blown up everyone else's all-time favorite character....
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
White House Editorial Illustration
Yet another editorial spot ( I'm on a roll aren't I )...this one is for an article talking about if the White house has overstepped it's boundaries by "dictating" the law as opposed to following the normal chain of command for passing bills and laws.
School Lunch Editorial Illustration
Another editorial illustration...about how the push for schools to provide healthy food in the cafeteria results in most of the food being thrown away by students. This one was rather close to my heart, because my wife and I have both noticed how her third grade students throw away their school lunches, untouched, almost every day of the week.
Uncle Sam Editorial Illustration
A recent editorial that I've done. It's for an article describing how the Republicans and Democrats view each other and characterize each other in extreme ways. I thought it would be fun to do a Communist Uncle Sam verses a Puritan Uncle Sam. Now that I think of it, I should have included a chair in the wrestling ring....
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Columbia Crossroads Women's Bible Study Posters
I've recently worked on several posters for a women's Bible study meeting at Columbia Crossroads. There are three different campuses, so I designed a specific poster for each campus with similar imagery.
Poster for the Downtown Columbia Crossroads campus
Poster for the Saint Andrews Columbia Crossroads campus
Poster for the Killian Road Columbia Crossroads campus